HHI’s Birthday Wish

Happy Birthday HHI!

Today is HHI’s 8th birthday!

For our 8th birthday we ask you to have a heart! and join our birthday campaign to help us reach our goal of training the caregivers of 800 additional vulnerable children in rural India this month! 

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Your donation makes the difference.

These 800 children will benefit from improved language, social, cognitive and physical development, as well as their nutrition and overall health, all while cultivating attachment and bonding with caregivers, establishing the base for all future relationships. HHI’s training results are as dramatic as reduced infant mortality.Caregivers are empowered to raise healthy, educated and capable children and have new pride as caregivers.The entire community benefits as they share HHI’s messages!

Donate Now


What will it take to reach our birthday wish of $4,000?

$25 ~ Transforms the lives of FIVE children  

$50 ~ Transforms the lives of TEN children  

$100 ~ Transforms the lives of TWENTY children 

$250 ~  Improves the care of FIFTY children

$550 ~ Transforms a whole Village!


* To date, HHI has directly bettered the lives of more than 97,944 children – thank you for making this possible!