A day to remember to love!

HHI is based on love. By awakening love in some of the world’s most compromised environments, we are weaving a stronger, more compassionate social fabric for our world. The ripple effect of HHI’s work is far greater than the 104,040 women, men and children we’ve directly touched.

Although love and the ability to nurture is inherent in all people, it is a severely underutilized tool. HHI believes that all parents love their babies and want the very best for them. However, few of us know our own power. There is minimal access to information and resources on how to care for children and more specifically, how a young village mother, who has never seen the inside of a school, can build her baby’s brain development and health. Through HHI’s support and training, caregivers learn their own power. They improve their ability to nurture a child’s language, emotional, cognitive and physical development, as well as their nutrition and overall health, all while cultivating attachment and bonding which establishes the base for all future relationships.

After HHI, caregivers tell us that they will be more gentle and loving with their baby, that they will look them in the eyes and sing to them, that they now know that food is not enough, among many more beautiful things. Regardless of literacy or resources, parents and caregivers can immediately improve the lives of their children with love.

One of the most powerful tools to awaken love is to recognize the unconditional love, acceptance and joy that a baby exudes. Babies remind us and provide an easy and safe path to rediscover our own love, acceptance and joy. The babies are HHI’s greatest trainers, and everyone’s greatest teacher.