Humanity – The Faces, Places & Sights of India

Laura originally posted this on March 15, 2007 but it’s so beautiful that I had to re-post for those of you who missed it or are new HHI supporters…

I do not have the words to describe this massive country of over 1 billion people, with 30 states, 80 castes, 18 languages (each with 2-3 dialects), over 20 religions, and cutting edge technology that provides a stark contrast to profound and prolific poverty. Instead, I will share some of my pictures that capture my experiences here and the humanity of us all.

Here is the beauty of sisterhood,

the kindness of a stranger,
celebrations we all share (wedding),

and some that are unique, such as my elephant blessing.

We have all felt anguish and isolation, though maybe never so deeply or publicly…

and searched for tranquility,

we work hard.

We celebrate our religions with exquisite temples,

and we show our devotion with stunning architecture,

religious icons (Ganesha),

and holy men provide guidance.

There is the poverty of the slums,

and compassion we all show for those we love.

We shop at the local markets,

but some must rely on the skill and courage of their child to earn money to shop at that market.

And with all of our differences, we always have more in common. We all want a better life for ourselves and our children, we all work hard, have our own struggles and regardless of where I have landed in this great big world, I am always greeted with a kind smile. I have found all people to seek out goodness, higher purpose and meaning. Though our skin color, country, caste, religion, homes, jobs, and all else may look foreign, it is all an illusion.

Though, I must admit, it is not every country where a holy man prescribes that for “special blessings” you are to give bananas to elephants. I am to do this on 3 auspicious days, 2 of these days are when I will be home in the US, but he was insistent and said, “then you must go to your zoo and give bananas to America’s elephants.” LOL! Wish me luck on this assignment!