The State of the World’s Children (and Women)

Every year UNICEF publishes The State of the World’s Children Report which gives a comprehensive overview of what its title implies. This year’s report is the first ever to acknowledge that the state of the world’s children is inextricably linked the to the state of the world’s women. It argues that “one of the most powerful constraints to realizing children’s rights and achieving the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at the global level is the discrimination against women”. Although this seems obvious to many and is a core principle on which HHI was founded – nurturing children and empowering women – it is thrilling to finally see it so boldly stated by such a world force.

I wanted to share a few excerpts from the report, specifically from the special edition they did on the women and children of SE Asia, as I think it is not only interesting, but extremely powerful information.

“Countries reap double dividends when gender equality is promoted and ultimately attained. Women are healthy, educated and productive, and children survive and thrive. These benefits are bequeathed to future generations.”

“Since women are conventionally the primary caregivers for children, their well-being is directly connected to their offspring. Healthy, educated and economically empowered women are more likely to have healthy, educated and confident daughters and sons…”

Also, specific to India, the region where HHI has begun its efforts:

“In South Asia, approximately 45% of children under the age of five are underweight – the highest prevalence in of underweight children in the world.”

“A girl in India is 40% more likely than a boy to die between ages one and five.”

As I have already shared, starting HHI has been the most challenging venture I have ever taken on, and there are many days I question, “what am I doing?”. But, knowing that the best and latest research, from the largest institutions are validating HHI’s strategy –that of empowering the women – by default alone – is the core issues in caring for the world’s children. I mix this in with all of the on the ground stories I hear from HHI’s women, who reach out, rise up, and change the course of their lives and the lives of all of those around them, with this, everyday, my courage builds anew.