Unpredictable Miracles

A few nights ago, I called Sujatha, one of HHI’s trainers in India. She was very excited because she had just gotten a phone call from Vijaya Lakshmi, an HHI trainee from last February. Vijaya Lakshmi was bubbling with pride to tell about a minor miracle she recently caused. Her friend’s elderly mother was very sick and had been in the hospital with an unidentifiable neurological condition. This woman was in a great deal of pain, had partial paralysis of her arms and legs, and after weeks in the hospital – she was showing no improvement.

Vijaya Lakshmi contacted the doctors at the hospital and proudly told them that she was trained in healing massage which she learned from HHI (we teach baby massage). She offered to give massage to this woman daily – for free. Everyone agreed and within a few weeks time this woman showed radical healing and walked right out of the hospital! The entire staff was astounded and inspired! Vijaya Lakshmi was so proud, she called Sujatha to tell her what she had done. Sujatha, was Vijaya Lakshmi’s HHI trainer and because of this she was invited to this woman’s village and their celebration in having their family returned to normal.

Here is a picture of Vijaya Lakshmi and her now healthy patient. PS – smiling is not a cultural habit in India, which I find very funny, because they will be giggling, laughing and smiling until you point a camera at them… Trust me, they are happy, and were smiling before and after the photo!