Tag: Philanthropy

HHI’s $50,000 Opportunity!

Many of you following Hands to Hearts’ growth recently heard the BIG news – that is that The James R. Greenbaum, Jr. Family Foundation chose HHI to receive a dollar-for-dollar matching grant of up to $50,000!  This is as big of an opportunity as it is a challenge! When asked why they chose to so generously support HHI, the answer was this:

“Why am I supporting HHI? I look at the individual and the project in making my funding decisions. Laura’s all encompassing passion, commitment and dedication to the project combined with the amazing model for sustainability she has developed for HHI make this investment a no brainer. I dream of a world where all NGO’s have such vision and leadership.” James R. Greenbaum, Jr., Managing Director.

He clearly believes in charitable investment and it is smart to challenge HHI to broaden and strengthen our support base to set us up for long-term success.

Now it is time for Hands to Hearts to sprout into its greater potential, reaching dozens of orphanages, training hundreds of caregivers and giving them the tools to provide love and nurturing for thousands of babies laying untouched and unloved!

We have until June 30th to meet this challenge – please ACT NOW – donate, ask your friends/family/colleagues to donate, volunteer your talents (contact me about that, lots of ways to help), invite me to speak to a group you are involved in, and spread the word!

Many are waiting on us, we have the power to give them the tools to heal themselves – lets do it!