Tag: Baby Massage

HHI does a baby massage demo for AM Northwest

HHI recognizes baby massage as a powerful way to promote bonding and attachment, while also improving child health. We have been using baby massage as a piece of our curriculum since the very beginning and on this last trip to India we filmed an instructional video on this topic. This is currently being produced and edited by Vermilion Films, who won this year’s Sundance Film Festival Audience Choice Award. This DVD will be available for HHI supporters to buy in February. Since HHI has been gifted dotSUB technology, this first release will have subtitles in 8-10 languages. This makes this a great baby shower gift for your neighbor here in the US or your dear friend in Europe or other countries.

Yesterday HHI was featured on AM Northwest, a Portland morning TV, show giving a demo of baby massage.

The full instructional DVD will be available this winter, be sure you are signed up for our e-newsletter to stay up to date with all things HHI and to learn when the DVD is released.



Returning Sathya to Her Childhood

Fact – orphanages exist in most countries because of lousy conditions that exist in the world.

Fact – orphanages are lousy places to raise babies and children.

Fact – many orphanage children take care of orphanage babies.

Fact – hope exists, resiliency happens!

Sathya is 6, she lives in the orphanage and helps care for the babies

Here is a story of the above facts, illustrated by Sathya….. In an orphanage where HHI has given a training, Sathya was acting as a caregiver for a 3-day-old baby, holding and feeding her without support. While she may enjoy acting as a big sister, she wasn’t having her own childhood.

During the HHI training, I invited Sathya to come and get her very own “baby massage”. She was initially reluctant, but she was too curious to pass up the chance. She very soon was laying down, playing with a bumpy pink ball and soaking up the loving touch of her caregiver.

After the first lesson, both Sathya and her caregiver were beaming with joy and connection.

When the caregiver asked Sathya if she wanted to come in each day to the HHI Training to be her massage partner, her answer was pure and clear… may this continue long after HHI’s Trainers leave the building.

Hope does exist, resiliency is abundant and Sathya’s life will never be the same.