More than 10,000 Children!

Last month HHI crossed an amazing threshold, that is that we have now served over 10,000 children. To be exact, HHI has trained 1,222 women – orphanage caregivers, pre-school teachers, creche center workers, village mothers and grandmothers – who are now providing more nurturing and attentive care to 10,258 babies and children!!! Considering that in the most challenging of environments of orphanages, that Hands to Hearts’ support has literally meant the difference of life and death, this is an astounding impact!

HHI has only been operating on the ground in India since February of 2006, and during the first year and half, there were numerous months of frustration and no trainings occurred. I said early on that I believed “that the difference we could make was immeasurable”. We track many measures, but I stand by my early statement in that the numbers only tell a fraction of what we have all joined together to create. 

A new mother and her baby in an HHI Training